Serving the Visionary Queen Be
The Queen Be is the embodiment of our vision, mission, code of ethics. She is who we serve, protect, nourish, and rally around to keep ABeHive thriving.

Our Mission
ABeHive is a connective collective that creates, supports, and contributes to our health, wellbeing, education, and the upliftment of human consciousness.
ABeHive is our sacred, vibrant hive where we live in accordance with our Source connection, nature's principle, bonds of affection, sovereignty, freedom, transformation, and love.
Dr. April Bolding, Founder of ABeHive Collective
Welcome! I'm grateful to circle with you here. What a ride we are on! This great transition, shift, awakening, ascension goes by many names. Many of us have noticed that we've been "turning on" or preparing for this for years. Like sleeper cells all over the planet, we've started to stir and vibrate with these rising frequencies. Each in their own time and their own way. It's a very individual process and yet having some collective framework will support us as we come more online with our earth mission and multidimensional embodiment.​

This is why I've invited you here into the Hive.
You see, I too have been enlivening into my role very organically and profoundly. I've had so many intuitive visions, downloads and nudges to create this Collective since 2019. Perhaps it has been part of our collective dreaming that reached out to me asking for this? The answers are not all clear but the next right steps on the path are illuminated and we are invited to put BOTH FEET firmly on the path of the new world and to pull our attention and energy away from the old one so it may fall away in whatever way it does.
There is a plan. There is guidance. There is support. And the New Earth paradigm will successfully be born through us. At the quantum level, it's already done. Now we must bravely walk these steps toward that very alive future.
ABeHive is a structure supporting our biodiversity so we can see each other through the fall and the rise. It requires us to shed the old programming and eventually, totally relinquish the personality/ego constructs that have kept us entrained and trapped in the old paradigm. I've made the call to attract the practitioners, care providers, parents, children, people who are on the most high evolutionary path to join us so we can nurture each other ever upward on this spiral. Our Pollinator and BeMedicine practitioners are downloading next level, quantum technologies to add to their medicine pouch of offerings. If you know of someone like this, who would be a vital addition, recommend them. Invite them to our website to see if they'd like to join. We are here to Find the Others.
So, I welcome you here, back into healthy interdependence with each other, nature and the All, as it's revealed to us. This only works if you feel the stirrings within you to join and co-create a new buzzing of vitality in the world.
A Bit About Me
I've earned many degrees, certifications and titles over many years — Doctor of physical therapy, women's health physical therapist, Maya abdominal massage practitioner, medical professional, holistic integrative healer, intuitive, childbirth educator, author, birth doula, ascension doula, fitness instructor, ordained minister, and mother.
The one constant in my life is transformation. As my children can attest, it's a challenge to "hold on" to someone who is constantly in a state of transformation and evolution. As I walk my talk, you could say it's become my specialty. Naturally emerging from this, facilitating people's transformation is my highest offering.
Since ABeHive Collective is legally coded as a faith-based organization and I have officiated weddings, I am also *playfully* claiming the additional titles of Bliss Minister and ABeGuardian. I do not claim the title of Queen Be. I am here to serve the Visionary Queen Be along with the whole Hive.
You can find a more complete description of my professional offerings and background at AprilBolding.com.
"I am reminded of the power of my own voice and energy when I speak with April. I am learning to open myself up to new ideas and ways of thinking, which includes unpopular options and beliefs. Being in her presence makes me feel surrounded by light, openness and good energy.."
— Client reflection in 2021 —